Monday 9 May 2011

Love and Romance.....

Hmmmm... One of the most beautiful and foremost emotions, yet the one most complicated thing to understand... Is this the reason why many people falls for it? Or is it that, people wants to enjoy the beauty, purity and simplicity of love?
No matter what the reason is, I am writing this blog in behalf of all the lover boys ;-)

Love is probably the greatest gift a human being can achieve in their life time... The meaning of love differs with individuals… Few may think, love is to delight each other when you are in a relation… For some, love can be how they feel about that special buddy... But to me, love is a mind blowing feeling; it is the way that you treat that Angel of yours so kindly that they'll realize what she really means to you… Your eyes should say how much you love her before you lips utter a word... Love is, how you make that special person feel happy, secured and pampered in your presence… Love is the smile that her lips hold when she sees you; love is that hand which wipes your tears when nobody cares to give you a glance and love is that feeling when her eyes looks down with a sweet smile in her lips, when you say “I Love You, Baby”
So, never think of hurting your loved ones and if you did it, then keep beside your egos and mend it up before it’s too late… Because after losing them you will realize that you stepped into hell, while living in heaven…

Wish my readers a fabulous Love life…